
I am a Life & Performance Coach. I help people harness the power of their minds to create the lives they want.


What’s up? Drake Kirkwood here.

Let me say right off the bat, welcome. I’m psyched you're here.

There’s a lot of stuff you could be doing right now -- scrolling social media, watching the game, playing Halo, meeting up with friends to watch the game  --the fact that you’re checking out my website is pretty cool. And perhaps it suggests that you're looking for something more out of life. 

Well, if you are indeed searching for something more, you've come to the right place.


Life is tricky. Sometimes, we drift from our nature and get lost as we attempt to navigate the terrain. I got lost after graduating University in 2020. I was privileged to grow up playing sports and clung heavily (unknowingly) to my identity as a student athlete. I loved it. And I am forever grateful for that experience. However, when that phase of my life ended, I got lost. I had to detach from my past and search for a new purpose, a new direction. That search led me to a clear realization: Managing the mind is the key to living a good life. 

I’ve always been fascinated by the mind. As I evolved as an athlete, my curiosity for the mental side of performance evolved as well. As Yogi Berra famously said, “Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical.” This is very true. And I think if we swap out the word “baseball” and replace it with “life”, it's even more true. 

Since graduating in 2020 with a BHSc (Bachelor of Health Sciences), I have continued to study the brain, the mind, and psychology. What I have come to understand is that the human brain/mind is incredibly powerful; much more powerful than most people realize. This led me to question: What are people doing with this power? 

Frankly, we are failing... Tremendously. Too many people are failing to lead a life that is on purpose and in alignment with what they want. Too many people live a life steeped in fear and stagnation. We're missing out on the greatest opportunity we will ever have... To enjoy life; to experience this one life of ours, fully and completely. And the key to making this happen largely depends on what is going on in between your ears.

I think the world is starving for more people to tap into a higher state of consciousness and fall in love with life. That’s the goal of my program. Not only am I currently improving my mental fitness and crafting a life that I love, I am committed to helping others do the same. I don’t think there is anything more important. 

If you can train your brain and master your mind, you will have harnessed the most powerful tool in the known universe. Imagine wielding such a power? Imagine the life you could create for yourself? Imagine how much value you could offer the world?

This potential power is not an exclusive thing. Anyone can learn to harness this power. Anyone can tap into the vast potential of their mind.

Ready to master your mind?

The Objective

It's simple. Get that big, beautiful brain of yours working for you, not against you, to create an extraordinary life.


Drake Kirkwood is a professional performance and lifestyle coach.  He offers 1:1 coaching and team training. 

The Mission

We believe everyone has the potential to create the lives they want and improve their performance. Our mission is to empower 10,000 individuals to harness the power of their minds to create the lives they want.


There is a problem in the world that people don’t really wanna talk about. That tends to be the nature of problems. It’s easier to sweep them under the rug or buy a cheap fix to mask the symptoms. But, this problem is too serious. It’s too important not to talk about.

The problem I refer to is the mental health crisis. 

It's no secret mental health is a serious issue in today’s world. All over the globe, people (kids and adults alike) are struggling to manage their minds and enjoy life. I don’t know about you, but this bothers me. It really bothers me. We live in the richest, most abundant time in human history and we can’t seem to enjoy this good fortune. Why? 

Why is it so difficult to think effectively? To feel abundant? Why do we struggle so mightily to manage our thoughts? Why do we self-inflict mental stress and suffering? 

Well, it’s questions like these that I aim to solve.

Now that we’ve identified the problem, we can get to work on the solution. And I promise you, there is a solution for you. One that will set you free and allow you to live in a state of love, rather than a state of fear


You are so much more capable than you realize. It’s kind of funny, actually. If you are reading these words, it means you have within you the greatest known supercomputer in the universe. 

So, if you have such a tool, imagine harnessing the power of that tool for good -- creating the life you yearn for, creating a state of being that enjoys life, creating loving relationships, maintaining a healthy body, generating wealth, and achieving a lasting peace of mind -- that'd be alright, eh? 

I am here to tell you -- this is all possible.

Countless people have achieved this state of thinking; this state of being. They did it through the power of their mind and you can do the same.